Have you used adult social care recently?

Can you share your experience to help improve it for others?

What could be improved? What worked well? Did you get the response you expected?
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Social services is organised by Kent County Council and they are seeking your anonymous feedback about what could be improved.

They have four key questions

  1. Have you visited the adult social care pages on www.kent.gov.uk? If so, what did you think of the website?
  2. Have you had experience in contacting Kent County Council’s adult social care services? If so, what was that experience like?
  3. Is there anything which works well when contacting adult social care services?  If so, what do you think works well?
  4. Is there anything that could be improved when contacting social care services? If so, what do you think could be done differently?

Where do I share my experience?

You can email your thoughts to ContactingASCH@kent.gov.uk or complete a form online by clicking here

You can share it with us too

Don't forget you can always share your experiences about any social care service with us and we can be your voice. Either call our Helpline anytime on 0808 801 0102 or pop your story onto our form here

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