1. Advice and Information -

    We’ve heard from hundreds of people since the pandemic started with questions about how to get a dentist appointment or emergency dental care.

    Here are some of the answers.
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    It can be tough at any time to lose someone, but particularly hard during a pandemic when you can feel more alone than usual.

    Take a look at our article on the organisations and groups that can support you if you’re grieving.
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    Take a look about what you need to know about the COVID-19 vaccination programme including how you will know when it's your turn, where to go, and why it's important.
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    Acting on advice from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI), the four UK chief medical officers announced in December, that the second doses of covid vaccines should now be given at 12 weeks rather than initial 3-4 weeks.
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    Many people have been asking us what they should do if they have a long term condition and they want the Covid vaccine. We have some answers.
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    The UK government has published their four-step roadmap of a route back to a more normal way of living. In England, the easing of restrictions on our current covid lockdown began on March 8th with the return of schools.
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    It’s all about stopping plaque and tartar build up on our teeth.
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    April marks Stress Awareness Month, a national awareness month that has been held every year since 1992 to raise recognition of something we all struggle with from time to time.
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    Find out more about shielding, who it applies to, and what to do if you're a shielder.
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    The theme of Deaf Awareness Week 2021 is ‘Coming through it together’. As we continue to live with the pandemic, this year’s event aims to raise awareness of Deaf issues while focusing on positivity and togetherness .
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    Being diagnosed with dementia can be a big shock, and it can be hard to know what to do next. Take a look at our guide to find out what support you should receive.
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    Your mental wellness is as important as your physical health but seeking help can be daunting. Here's what to expect when you seek support for your mental health.
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    Did you know that pharmacies provide advice and information on minor illnesses and ailments? Take a look at how they can help you.
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    Waiting for planned medical care or surgery can be a frustrating time. That’s why it’s so important that while you wait, you get regular, clear and accessible updates so that you can plan your next steps.
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    aaand breathe. Are you stressed, anxious or depressed? You’re not alone.
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    Do you or a loved one need help with social care? Read the article below and find out answers to key questions about who can access adult social care and how to pay for it.
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    Every 10 minutes, someone in England is diagnosed with breast cancer. That’s 55,000 women a year but men can get breast cancer too with 370 men receiving diagnosis every year.

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    World Diabetes Day on Nov 14th will bring together millions of people around the world to raise awareness of diabetes and help people to understand what it’s really like to live with Diabetes.
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    Each year on November 25th we celebrate a Carers Rights Day.
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    Find out what's in the Government's new social care plan and how it compares with what people have told us.
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    Take a look at what you need to know about the COVID-19 vaccination programme, including how you will know when it's your turn, where to go, and why it's important.