1. Advice and Information -

    We know from our conversations with the public that some patients report feeling rushed during appointments and struggling to make themselves heard. Here are some tips that could help you get the most out of visiting your GP.
  2. Report -

    Our volunteers spoke to 138 patients during visits to every Accident & Emergency department in Kent.

    We made a number of recommendations based on their feedback.
  3. Report -

    During our work to scrutinise consultations; poor pre-consultation engagement was the main area vulnerable to legal challenge via judicial review.
  4. Report -

    In 2016 we spoke to 44 people about their experience of going to the dentist.

    In 2017 we wanted to find out what had changed as a result.
  5. Report -

    What have we done with your voice between April 2016 and March 2019?
  6. Report -

    This guide is intended to support commissioners and service providers to deliver genuine, meaningful public consultations.
  7. Advice and Information -

    A year ago the Accessible Information Standard came into force. It requires any organisation providing NHS or social care to communicate in a way that everybody can understand. Here's a reminder of what you should expect.
  8. Advice and Information -

    The number of people being cared for in their own homes is increasing but what should you expect from home care services?
  9. Report -

    We wanted to understand what support is available for people who have learning difficulties when they need to attend a hospital appointment
  10. News -

    12 new testing sites are opening in Kent this week offering tests for people with no Covid symptoms.
  11. News -

    To help stop the spread of coronavirus, the government is advising everyone to stay at home from 5 January 2021.
  12. News -

    One million adults in Kent & Medway will be offered the Coronavirus vaccine in the coming weeks and months. When will you get yours?
  13. News -

    If you, or someone you know, has had a stroke since June 2020 then we'd really like to hear from you. Your story could help improve the stroke service for other people.
  14. Advice and Information -

    We’ve heard from hundreds of people since the pandemic started with questions about how to get a dentist appointment or emergency dental care.

    Here are some of the answers.
  15. News -

    Another five new testing centres are opening next week for people who have no Covid symptoms.
  16. News -

    Thanks to you, people who may be Deaf or Blind will get better support at Covid testing sites across Kent.
  17. News -

    East Kent Hospitals have published their maternity strategy which outlines how they plan to improve the care they offer to parents and new-born children.
  18. Advice and Information -

    It can be tough at any time to lose someone, but particularly hard during a pandemic when you can feel more alone than usual.

    Take a look at our article on the organisations and groups that can support you if you’re grieving.
  19. Advice and Information -

    Take a look about what you need to know about the COVID-19 vaccination programme including how you will know when it's your turn, where to go, and why it's important.
  20. Report -

    Since the start of the pandemic, we have had a constant stream of feedback about NHS dental services.
  21. News -

    Unsurprisingly we've had lots of calls and emails about the Coronavirus vaccine in recent weeks. We've been able to help some frontline workers get access to their vaccine.
  22. Report -

    Thanks everyone for sharing their thoughts and experiences with us this month.

    This report details everything you told us in November. We've shared your stories with decision makers to help them make decisions about services.
  23. News -

    The GPs who provide care at Orchard surgery have decided to close the practice from 30th April 2021.

    Are you a patient there? We have the information you need.
  24. News -

    How does it feel when you get your vaccine call up?

    This week we chatted with Lesley whose had her first Covid vaccine.

  25. News -

    Kent's first mass vaccination centre has opened in Folkestone in the old Debenhams building.
  26. News -

    Kent is to have a second mass vaccination centre which will open tomorrow (Feb 2nd) in Gravesend.
  27. News -

    Everyone living within the postcode ME15 will soon be offered a Covid test at home after the South African variant of Coronavirus may have been found in the area.
  28. News -

    Do you have ideas about what could be improved about the nursing care that you receive at home? Your questions could help inform what researchers should focus on.
  29. News -

    Everyday, people share with us their stories of living and working during the pandemic. Everything you tell us is anonymised and shared with the right person to ensure they hear your story and wherever possible make improvements as a result.
  30. Report -

    You spoke and we have listened. Read on to find out what you told us in the first two weeks of January.
  31. News -

    So many of you have been in touch to share your experience of being vaccinated, or to ask questions about the vaccine programme. We asked the Head of the Vaccine Programme all your questions, and more.
  32. News -

    If you are over 70 years old and have not yet had your Coronavirus vaccine, you are being asked to contact the NHS to get booked in.
  33. News -

    We hear from working parents about how lockdown is affecting them.
  34. News -

    All adults with learning difficulties are to be offered the Covid vaccine as part of the priority groups.
  35. News -

    This week we spoke to Libby who has recently had her first COVID-19 vaccine.
  36. Report -

    You spoke and we have listened. Read on to find out what you told us in the second two weeks of January.
  37. News -

    A Thanet call centre will be transformed into a life-saving vaccination centre serving vulnerable people in Thanet and those within a 45-minute drive.
  38. News -

    This week we spoke to 21-year-old Sebastian who has recently had his vaccine.

    We've been hearing peoples' vaccine stories and questions and sharing them directly with decision makers. Tell us your story.
  39. News -

    Thanks to you, we've been able to help other parents to get the help they need to change the prescriptions for their child's mental health.
  40. News -

    People who look after someone at home are now entitled to the Covid vaccine. Penny looks after her husband who has Parkinson's. Both of them have recently been vaccinated for Covid. We spoke to Penny about her experience.
  41. Advice and Information -

    Acting on advice from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI), the four UK chief medical officers announced in December, that the second doses of covid vaccines should now be given at 12 weeks rather than initial 3-4 weeks.
  42. News -

    Just like us, many of you have been juggling work and home school for the past nine weeks. Home-schooling in the winter has been much harder than the initial lockdown.
  43. News -

    D/deaf patients are now being offered a free card that clearly indicates that they need a British Sign Language interpreter when they have an appointment at East Kent hospitals. Get in touch if you want yours.
  44. Advice and Information -

    Many people have been asking us what they should do if they have a long term condition and they want the Covid vaccine. We have some answers.
  45. News -

    To celebrate International Women's Day we chatted to the brilliant Katy Styles. We've worked with Katy many times over the years and we know she has inspired many other people too.
  46. News -

    From this week, some visitors are being allowed into Care Homes. But what are the rules and regulations and will you actually be able to hug your loved ones just yet?
  47. Report -

    Thanks to everyone who shared their story with us over the first two weeks of February despite the big freeze!
  48. Advice and Information -

    The UK government has published their four-step roadmap of a route back to a more normal way of living. In England, the easing of restrictions on our current covid lockdown began on March 8th with the return of schools.
  49. News -

    Today marks a whole year since the Government announced the first lockdown. How has your life changed since then?
  50. News -

    Have you, or someone you know, had Covid and are still feeling the effects four weeks later?