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    Last week, we travelled to London to join forces with more than 100 fellow local Healthwatch organisations at our annual parliamentary reception.
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    All this week we are asking people to get involved in our campaign #YourChoiceOurPriority where we give you the power to choose our priorities for the year.
    Over the 7 days we will be asking you to vote for what you think we should prioritise.
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    Next week we are giving evidence to the Education Committee about SEND.
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    Our volunteers, alongside members of the Older People's Forums and Mental Health Action Groups, came together to have their say about Kent County Council's budget.
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    Last year, we spoke to 158 Carers across Kent about how they were coping. Has anything changed since then?
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    Over 7,800 saw our vote and hundreds of you voted, so thank you!
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    We want to hear what's good, or not so good, about children's and young people's services in Kent & Medway.
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    Earlier this year, we started to hear a number of serious stories from patients and professionals about wheelchair services.
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    Kent and Medway Quality Surveillance Group came together last week asking the question, where do you share your experiences about care homes?
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    We recently spoke to nearly 300 people in Kent about children and young people’s services. Now the NHS is seeking people to get involved and help shape health and social care services for young people across Kent.
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    Today the Care Quality Commission have published their State of the Nation report which is their annual assessment of health and social care services across the country.
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    Kent County Council, which plans and delivers social care and public health services for us all, has launched a public consultation about what they should spend their money on.
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    Kent County Council have launched a public consultation to seek your thoughts on their services for older people which includes support for adults living with Dementia, physical disabilities and sensory impairments.
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    We've been helping decision makers to develop a new pathway for children and young people who have special educational needs.
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    Can you share your experience to help improve it for others?

    What could be improved? What worked well? Did you get the response you expected?
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    This week, the Council announced it was facing a £40 million shortfall in its budget.
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    Have you needed to get support from school or college? Maybe your child has been assessed for an EHCP?

    If so, we want to hear from you.
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    It’s no secret that Kent County Council is facing its toughest financial challenge for many years.
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    Kent County Council has published a new draft strategy which outlines its ambition that all children in Kent have equal access to support and education.
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    Together with the Kent Physical Disability Forum, and other local groups, we've been working for several years to improve wheelchair services in Kent & Medway.
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    Kent County Council are starting to think about how they spend their money next year. They need to hear from you about what's important to you and where you would be willing to see change.
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    If you, or a member or your family, needs help to remain independent at home, gets support for being a carer, or lives in a care home, then chances are they are funded by adult social care services.
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    Today, the health and care regulator, the Care Quality Commission, published their annual review of NHS and social care support. Read our response.
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    A new project is being developed by Kent County Council to help support people with disabilities as well as older people in Kent to stay in their own homes and communities.
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    Today we heard stories of Care Home residents in Herne Bay receiving the wrong medicine. In some cases people were given other peoples' prescriptions, or weren't given their medication at all. What's your experience of care homes in Kent?
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    Every year, the Council needs to make tough decisions about how it spends its money. They need your help.
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    If you’re entitled to free school meals, then you’ll be delighted to hear that the vouchers have been extended. Not only are vouchers being given out for this October half term but will also cover the next three school holidays.
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    A review of the transport that enables children and young people who have SEND (Special Needs and Disabilities) to attend school has just been published.
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    Inspectors from Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission have published a report which states that the needs of children with special educational needs and disabilities are not being met.
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    We recently had the opportunity to chat with a group of Carers about End of Life services in North Kent.
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    It’s really important that we hear how people are coping right now. We can ensure that your feedback can inform emergency planning and help organisations to plan how to get back to 'normal'.
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    Many people might normally be caring (albeit informally) for a neighbour or family member. For example, they may usually collect a prescription or do the shopping for someone. They may cook a hot meal for someone regularly.
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    If you look after someone then the NHS has launched a new phone app to support you called, Help to Care.
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    This week is Carers Week. We know that hundreds of people in Kent are looking after someone right now. If you, or someone you know, has found themselves looking after someone during Covid, did you know that there may be support available to you?
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    Do you do the shopping for your Mum, or help her get to appointments? Maybe you help in the house or with her personal needs?
    If that sounds like you, we’d love to hear from you.
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    Many people have found themselves looking after someone during lockdown for the first time in their lives. This is never a planned life event and would be hard even during ‘normal’ times.

    Catherine talked to us about her experience.
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    Would you be willing to chat about your experience of looking after someone with Dementia to help improve services?
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    Do you have ideas about what could be improved about the nursing care that you receive at home? Your questions could help inform what researchers should focus on.
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    People who look after someone at home are now entitled to the Covid vaccine. Penny looks after her husband who has Parkinson's. Both of them have recently been vaccinated for Covid. We spoke to Penny about her experience.
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    To celebrate International Women's Day we chatted to the brilliant Katy Styles. We've worked with Katy many times over the years and we know she has inspired many other people too.
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    We're lucky enough to hear from Carers every week so we know just how brilliant they are and how vital it is that they get the support they need. Today marks the start of Carer's Week, and to celebrate we chatted to Jenny who is a Carer.
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    We'd love to hear from you!
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    Nearly 150,000 people are thought to be looking after someone in Kent right now. Many of them may not realise that they are carers.
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    We asked Chris McKenzie from Kent County Council, your questions about Kent's adult carers strategy.
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    A carer is someone who provides unpaid care and support to a family member or friend who has a disability, illness, mental health condition, addiction or who needs extra help as they grow older.
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    In the UK it is believed seven million people are voluntarily providing care and/or support to family and/or friends. And that many of these are either not accessing or are not aware of the help and support available to them.