Healthwatch Kent scruitinises the North Kent Urgent Care Review

Urgent Care services in Dartford, Gravesham & Swanley are being reviewed with a view to making changes.

Healthwatch has a statutory responsibility to scruitinise the process of change to ensure the voice of residents has been heard.

Healthwatch volunteers, who have been trained by the Consultation Institute, reviewed all the documents available to understand what has happened to date and how people have been involved and listened to as part of the review to date.  Our volunteers use the Healthwatch Kent Guide to Consultations, which was developed in partnership with the Consultation Institute, and clearly sets out our expectations for service change.

Their findings can be found in the attached report.

Highlights include:

  • The reasons why urgent care services need to change has been clearly explained. This is often called the Case for Change.
  • 4,000 people have been involved so far.
  • There is evidence that feedback from the public has informed the direction of the review.

The review to date was discussed at the Kent Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee this week and we shared our findings there.  The next step is for a public consultation to fully explore the options for the future.


Healthwatch Kent Scrutiny of the Urgent Care Review in DGS
Healthwatch Kent Best Practice Guide to Consultations