Your feedback has been heard

Thanks to you, people who may be Deaf or Blind will get better support at Covid testing sites across Kent.
your feedback improves Covid testing

If you need support to read instructions, or if you are Deaf or Blind, you will now find it easier to visit a Covid testing centre thanks to changes we've made as a result of your feedback.

Every week, we spend time with voluntary organisations and community groups listening to the stories, issues and challenges that their clients and members are facing right now.

Kent Association for the Blind told us stories of how hard their clients had found visiting Kent Covid testing sites as they couldn't read the instructions at the testing sites.

We escalated these stories to the Kent & Medway Clinical Commissioning Group. They listened to the feedback and have changed their procedures to ensure that everyone is proactively asked if they need extra help when arriving at the test centre. Training has also been given to all staff to ensure they know how best to support people who may need extra help.

At a crucial time for Covid-19 testing, Kent Association for the Blind is delighted to have worked with Healthwatch to bring about this positive change to make testing centres easier to use and support easier to access. This will benefit not only people with sight impairments, but also those with other support needs.

Katherine, Kent Association for the Blind

Have you visited a Covid test centre recently?

What was it like?

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