Do you have a view about pharmacies in Kent?

People are being invited to share their thoughts about the need for pharmacies in their local community. Are there enough pharmacies in your area?
are there enough pharmacies in your area?

Kent County Council are asking you for your thoughts on pharmacy services where you live. 

You can share your thoughts in their survey here before December 16th

Your feedback will be used as part of the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment which every County Council needs to submit. Essentially, the Assessment will provide an up to date statement about how many pharmacies (which includes community pharmacies and dispensing doctors) that we need to meet the needs of the Kent population.

The NHS uses the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment  to decide whether to grant applications for new pharmacies. It also helps the NHS to identify any areas that don't have enough pharmacies. Your feedback about how you use pharmacies will be really important to this review.

Have you been to your pharmacy recently? Was it a good experience?

We always want to hear how your latest visit to the pharmacy went. Tell us what worked and what could be improved? We can use your experience to help the pharmacy get better for the next person. We want to hear the good stories too!

Everything you tell us will be in confidence and we will not disclose your details to the pharmacy.

Tell us your story via our feedback form here