Have you used the wheelchair service?

We've been working for years to help improve wheelchair services and make sure they work well for everyone who uses them.

The organisations that commission wheelchair services now want to hear from people living in Kent and Medway about their experience of using the wheelchair service.

They want to know what works well, and how they can improve what doesn’t work so well.  

The aim is for the NHS, councils and other partners to work better together which could benefit and improve not only the wheelchair service, but also community equipment and the technology enabled care services. Each of these services want to increase independence and improve people’s quality of life.

They need to understand people’s experience of these services and hear the views and knowledge from people who have used them.  So we invite people who have used any of these services directly or as a family member, carer, charity, advocate or as a professional stakeholder - to take part in the online surveys below. 

The surveys are short – so won’t take long, and if you use one or more of the services we would appreciate it if you complete a survey for each of the services you have used.

The surveys will close on 15 September 2021.

Wheelchair Service Survey


Community Equipment Service Survey


Technology Enabled Care Service Survey


If you would prefer a printed copy or an easy read version, or would like to give feedback over the telephone, please email your request to kmccg.engage@nhs.net