1. News -

    Every month, we give support, information and signposting to nearly 2,000 people.

    Every day, we help individual people. This month we helped someone who needed a dental check up before they could start medical treatment.
  2. News -

    The NHS has today announced emergency funding to help create hundreds of new dentist appointments.
  3. News -

    A highlight this month has been helping a young pregnant woman, who was homeless, to get the dental care that she needed.
  4. Advice and Information -

    We get more calls about dentistry than anything else. The dental system is complicated so we've chatted to Tim Hogan, a dentist himself and Chair of the Kent & Medway Local Dental Committee to understand more.
  5. Report -

    Read how we have helped people to get the dental care that they need
  6. News -

    A new survey of public attitudes to NHS dentistry shows half of adults in the South East find dental charges unfair amid escalating costs of living. 45% of people in the South East told us they struggle to get an NHS dental appointment.
  7. News -

    Hundreds of you have been in touch to tell us your story about NHS dentists. We've been raising your concerns and now the NHS are making changes.
  8. News -

    Up to 20% of women develop mental health problems during pregnancy or in the first year after giving birth. Many more experience mild mood changes. Partners may also experience poor mental health.
  9. News -

    Today the Government has published the outcome of the Kirkup review following an independent investigation into management and care provided by the maternity and neonatal services at East Kent Hospitals.