1. Report -

    Last month we visited Folkestone & Hythe District Council to talk to their staff about their experiences of local health & social care services. We met 230 people in total during our visit.
  2. Report -

    We recently met with Carers whose loved ones were being cared for at the Frank Lloyd Unit in Sittingbourne.

    This report details al that they told us.

    We have shared the feedback with the mental health trust.
  3. Report -

    We visited 6 community mental health units in 2018 talking to 86 people about their experience of using the service.
  4. Report -

    Our parent company, Engaging Kent is working with Food Banks across Kent to support them to come together and create the Kent Food Bank Forum.
  5. Report -

    We've had some feedback about IAPT services but we want to hear more!
  6. Report -

    Back in 2016, we spoke with 302 people about their experience of children and adolescent mental health services.
  7. Report -

    Children and young people from across Kent & Medway have talked to us about their experience of using health and social care services.
  8. Report -

    We hear about the difficulties families face when accessing support for their children who may be autistic. We wanted to explore the issues in more detail and gather more feedback about services for children and young people who have autism.
  9. Report -

    Recently we have revisited six Community Mental Health clinics to see what changes have been made since our first reports.

    We spoke to 128 patients and 25 carers.
  10. Report -

    One of our statutory responsibilities is to act as a critical friend on public consultations. Our role is to ensure people have been involved and listened to as part of any public consultation.
  11. Report -

    As many of you are aware we work closely with Mental Health Voice (MHV) and the 4 Local Mental Health Networks (LMHNs) based around each Health and Care Partnership area.
  12. Report -

    Each year we publish an annual report. Here is the 2018 one!
  13. Report -

    This guide is intended to support commissioners and service providers to deliver genuine, meaningful public consultations.
  14. Report -

    Another year is over which means a new annual report!
  15. Report -

    If you want to know a bit more about us and what we achieved over the past year, then this is the document for you : our annual report for 2019/2020
  16. Report -

    It's been a year that none of us could have predicted. But what have we achieved?

    Read our annual report to find out what difference we made in 2020/21.

  17. Report -

    It's important to us that you know how we make our decisions.

    In this section you will find the minutes from our steering group meetings plus an overall explanation about how we make our decisions on a daily basis.