1. News -

    What was it like giving birth? Could your experience have been improved?

    Share your story and give feedback.
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    Saturday 20th July 2019 marks the 50th anniversary of man landing on the moon. It was considered a huge milestone for science and mankind, but what big turning points have happened medically since then?
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    Healthwatch Kent comments on the Maternity services in East Kent.
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    Today a national enquiry has been launched into maternity services in East Kent.
    We have already been in touch with East Kent Hospitals to discuss the review and will be fully involved in the process going forward.
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    The Care Quality Commission have published the results of their inspections to Accident & Emergency departments at William Harvey Hospital in Ashford and QEQM Hospital in Margate. Both departments have been rated as 'Requires Improvement'.
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    East Kent Hospitals have published their maternity strategy which outlines how they plan to improve the care they offer to parents and new-born children.
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    Up to 20% of women develop mental health problems during pregnancy or in the first year after giving birth. Many more experience mild mood changes. Partners may also experience poor mental health.
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    Today the Government has published the outcome of the Kirkup review following an independent investigation into management and care provided by the maternity and neonatal services at East Kent Hospitals.
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    Healthwatch Kent works to improve the experience of being a Kent resident regarding social needs, health and wellbeing. To do this we support the Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) which are the NHS organisation form that replaced Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) in 2022.
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    Last week, we travelled to London to join forces with more than 100 fellow local Healthwatch organisations at our annual parliamentary reception.
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    Today the Care Quality Commission have published their State of the Nation report which is their annual assessment of health and social care services across the country.
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    During Covid, we have heard about the challenges people had getting their prescriptions, particularly in the early days of lockdown. We have shared that feedback directly with the Local Pharmacy Committee and now we want to hear from pharmacists too
  13. Report -

    Last year, over 100 community pharmacists told us what life had been like for them during the first wave of the Covid pandemic. Now, we've gone back to them to see what lessons have been learned since our first report.
  14. Advice and Information -

    Did you know that pharmacies provide advice and information on minor illnesses and ailments? Take a look at how they can help you.
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    People are being invited to share their thoughts about the need for pharmacies in their local community. Are there enough pharmacies in your area?
  16. Advice and Information -

    Preparing for your pharmacy needs during the coming bank holiday
  17. Advice and Information -

    Preparing for your pharmacy needs during the coming bank holiday
  18. Report -

    This report summarises the feedback received from people via Healthwatch Kent, Healthwatch Medway and Kent and Medway Voice about their experiences of pharmacies from November 2022 to April 2023.
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    In May, Healthwatch England shared their initial response to the Government's Primary Care recovery plan and what it would mean for you and your loved ones.

  20. Advice and Information -

    Preparing for your pharmacy needs during the coming bank holiday
  21. News -

    All this week we are asking people to get involved in our campaign #YourChoiceOurPriority where we give you the power to choose our priorities for the year.
    Over the 7 days we will be asking you to vote for what you think we should prioritise.
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    The Thanet Over Fifties Forum recently attended a meeting about changes to bus services in Thanet. They shared with us a report from the meeting.
  23. Advice and Information -

    Most of us will provide care at some point in our lives to ill or disabled loved ones.
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    Tomorrow (Nov 29th) we are hosting our second gathering of patients and professionals to talk about neurological services.
  25. Advice and Information -

    Today more than 1,250 people worldwide will be diagnosed with Pancreatic cancer.
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    Kent residents come together to celebrate International Older People’s Day
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    We've heard from lots of people about wheelchair services in Kent. Do you have a story to share with us?
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    Urgent Care services in Dartford, Gravesham & Swanley are being reviewed with a view to making changes.

    Healthwatch has a statutory responsibility to scruitinise the process of change to ensure the voice of residents has been heard.
  29. Report -

    Partially sighted patients will now find it easier to attend an appointment at Maidstone Hospital thanks to feedback from patients.
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    The Care Quality Commission has announced today that the ambulance service, which serves Kent, has been rated as ‘Good’ and the Trust will now exit Special Measures.
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    We've been nominated for a national award in recognition of the work we've done to ensure the challenges that people with additional communication needs face when attending a hospital appointment is heard and understood by decision makers.
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    This week, we took part in a conference to bring together all the Patient Participation Groups across Kent.
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    Thanks to everyone who stopped by to chat to us at Dover Pride today!
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    There was no chance our Helpline team weren't getting to the busy Boughton Monchelsea’s village Community Coffee Morning last Saturday.
  35. Advice and Information -

    There are different kinds of abuse and it can happen anywhere. Abuse occurs when someone exploits another person or treats them in a way that harms or hurts them. It can happen once or on multiple occasions.
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    With the schools opening up again for the new academic years the NHS have released a toolkit for parents to help keep your little snappers healthy, and in school.
  37. Report -

    What have we done with your voice
  38. Report -

    What have we done with your voice in April?
  39. Report -

    What have we done with your voice between April 2016 and March 2019?
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    We attend HOSC every month. HOSC stands for the Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee and is a meeting of KCC Elected Members who scrutinise health services.
  41. Report -

    What have we done with your voice between April 2019 and March 2020?
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    A new Peoples' Panel met for the first time today. Its purpose is to bring a range of people together to input their ideas and thoughts at an early stage in discussions about social care services.
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    Currently in Kent & Medway, we have eight Clinical Commissioning Groups who are responsible for commissioning our health services.
    From April 1st 2020, GPs have voted for all the CCGs to merge into one single Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).
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    Today we chatted with people about what it is like to have Asthma and how things could be improved
  45. Report -

    That's the question we asked ourselves when we visited Tunbridge Wells Hospital recently.
  46. Blog -

    Three in five of us will become an unpaid carer at some point in our lives. Kate* tells us about what it was like becoming a carer for her husband and the difficulties they faced.
  47. Report -

    Read Kent and Medway Safeguarding Adults Board's 2022/23 annual report, acknowledging the large range of work done to safeguard vulnerable people who may be at risk across Kent and Medway.
  48. Advice and Information -

    What is available on the NHS? What do you have to pay for? How much is it going to cost? These are some of the questions you have asked that our leaflet has the answers to.