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    Five people and groups have been shortlisted for a national award that celebrates local people who, through their dedication, have helped improve health and care for their community.
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    We want to know more about you or your partner's experience of mental health support when planning to get pregnant, during pregnancy, at the birth of your child and afterwards.
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    Kent residents come together to celebrate International Older People’s Day
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    If you live in Medway or North Kent, your dermatology services may change.
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    Our volunteers, alongside members of the Older People's Forums and Mental Health Action Groups, came together to have their say about Kent County Council's budget.
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    Seven public meetings have already taken place across East Kent for people to hear and discuss the potential changes for health services in East Kent.
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    Today we presented our annual report to the Kent Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee (HOSC).
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    Tomorrow (Nov 29th) we are hosting our second gathering of patients and professionals to talk about neurological services.
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    It has just been announced that two additional public meetings are being arranged to discuss the potential changes to health services in East Kent.
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    You may already have heard about some potential changes to health services in East Kent. The ideas include changes to hospital and community services such as GPs.
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    If you, or someone you know, has used the crisis mental health service then we want to hear from you.
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    The Thanet Over Fifties Forum recently attended a meeting about changes to bus services in Thanet. They shared with us a report from the meeting.
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    In the news this weekend, we've heard new figures showing that many people struggle to get an appointment with their GP.
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    Last week, we travelled to London to join forces with more than 100 fellow local Healthwatch organisations at our annual parliamentary reception.
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    The Care Quality Commission has announced today that hospital children’s services provided by East Kent Hospitals are rated as inadequate.

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    For many months now, stroke services across Kent & Medway have been reviewed. The decision has now been made.
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    All this week we are asking people to get involved in our campaign #YourChoiceOurPriority where we give you the power to choose our priorities for the year.
    Over the 7 days we will be asking you to vote for what you think we should prioritise.
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    Next week we are giving evidence to the Education Committee about SEND.
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    In the news today you may have read a story about ambulance waiting times. Research by the BBC shows that ambulances take longer to reach people in rural areas compared to urban areas.
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    Plans are being developed for Urgent Treatment Centres across the UK. The Centres would treat all minor illnesses and injuries for all age groups in one place.
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    Last year, we spoke to 158 Carers across Kent about how they were coping. Has anything changed since then?
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    We've heard from lots of people about wheelchair services in Kent. Do you have a story to share with us?
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    What was it like giving birth? Could your experience have been improved?

    Share your story and give feedback.
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    Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust are looking for volunteers to deliver the programme by becoming a self-management volunteer facilitator.
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    Over 7,800 saw our vote and hundreds of you voted, so thank you!
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    Sir Robert became a household name back on 2012 when he lead the independent review into the Mid Staffordshire Hospital scandal.
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    We want to hear what's good, or not so good, about children's and young people's services in Kent & Medway.
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    In March we published a report detailing all the feedback we had heard from Kent residents about GP services.
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    A new village that will support people with Dementia to live healthier and happier lives is to open this year in Dover.
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    IASK is planning to hold several events across Kent to launch their new website and raise the profile of IASK (Information, Advice and Support Kent).
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    Outpatients services in Dartford, Gravesham & Swanley are set to change as part of a new transformation programme launched by NHS.

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    Those of you who live in East Kent will be well aware that plans are being developed to transform and improve services for local residents.
    The public are now being invited to evaluate the options before the public consultation later in the year.
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    Earlier this year, we started to hear a number of serious stories from patients and professionals about wheelchair services.
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    Saturday 20th July 2019 marks the 50th anniversary of man landing on the moon. It was considered a huge milestone for science and mankind, but what big turning points have happened medically since then?
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    Urgent Care services in Dartford, Gravesham & Swanley are being reviewed with a view to making changes.

    Healthwatch has a statutory responsibility to scruitinise the process of change to ensure the voice of residents has been heard.
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    As you might know by now, the NHS in Kent and Medway is planning for its future. They've now shared more detail on what they want to do for you!
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    We recently spoke to nearly 300 people in Kent about children and young people’s services. Now the NHS is seeking people to get involved and help shape health and social care services for young people across Kent.
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    A formal public consultation has been launched this month to decide the location of a new Urgent Treatment Centre in Dartford, Gravesham & Swanley area.
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    The Care Quality Commission has announced today that the ambulance service, which serves Kent, has been rated as ‘Good’ and the Trust will now exit Special Measures.
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    Our volunteers in North Kent had a very positive morning at Darent Valley Hospital this month talking to 25 people about their experiences of the Emergency Department.
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    Kent and Medway Quality Surveillance Group came together last week asking the question, where do you share your experiences about care homes?
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    We've been nominated for a national award in recognition of the work we've done to ensure the challenges that people with additional communication needs face when attending a hospital appointment is heard and understood by decision makers.
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    Today we chatted with people about what it is like to have Asthma and how things could be improved
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    You’ve probably heard about the NHS Long Term Plan in the news.

    The Long Term Plan is a national vision for our health services over the next 10 years.
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    Thanks to everyone who stopped by to chat to us at Dover Pride today!
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    This week, we took part in a conference to bring together all the Patient Participation Groups across Kent.
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    This week we joined the first of three sessions to discuss the options for the transformation of services in East Kent.