1. Blog -

    Prior to lockdown, Siobhain had a busy schedule working as an exam invigilator as well as volunteering at Healthwatch Kent where she recently visited care homes and The Heart of Kent Hospice where she would talk to patients.
  2. Advice and Information -

    In settings where face coverings are required in England, there are some circumstances where people may not be able to wear a face covering.
  3. News -

    A decision has finally been made in the long running review of stroke services across Kent & Medway.
    The Court of Appeal refused an appeal against the judicial review which means plans to create three new hyper acute stroke services can go ahead.
  4. News -

    The Hextable Surgery will become a branch of Cedars Surgery, Swanley, on Tuesday 1st September 2020.
  5. Report -

    Every month, we share with you the stories that we're hearing from people in Kent about how they are coping.
  6. Advice and Information -

    With testing hitting the headlines in recent days, and increasing numbers of people trying to get a Covid test, it can be confusing to know when you should, or shouldn’t seek a Covid test.

  7. News -

    It’s a fact of life that we will all get older, and some of us may need to go into a residential or nursing home. Whilst we might try not to think about it too much, people who work in care homes need to plan for our future.
  8. Advice and Information -

    Influenza, or flu, is a viral infection that can cause an unpleasant respiratory illness with symptoms such as fever, exhaustion, and cough. Luckily after a few days in bed most people recover.
  9. News -

    During Covid, we have heard about the challenges people had getting their prescriptions, particularly in the early days of lockdown. We have shared that feedback directly with the Local Pharmacy Committee and now we want to hear from pharmacists too
  10. News -

    Kent Fire & Rescue Service are looking to create a new campaign to help people stay safe in their homes.

    Could you be involved? KFRS wants to talk to smokers to understand your thoughts, feelings and experiences.
  11. News -

    It’s no secret that Kent County Council is facing its toughest financial challenge for many years.
  12. News -

    Have you needed to get support from school or college? Maybe your child has been assessed for an EHCP?

    If so, we want to hear from you.
  13. News -

    When people in Kent, Medway & Sussex call NHS 111 they will now find more experienced clinicians on hand to answer their queries than ever before.
  14. Report -

    We know that more people than ever before have been looking after someone during the Covid-19 pandemic.
  15. News -

    Our work to improve wheelchair services in Kent has been recognised at the national Healthwatch England awards
  16. Report -

    Since the start of the pandemic, we have been sharing with decision makers in the NHS and social care details of how the public are coping.
  17. News -

    Would you like to get involved in discussion with leaders from health and care in Medway & Swale about what they should do?
  18. News -

    We’ve been hearing stories from people in North Kent about huge queues and long waits to get their blood tests done at Gravesham Community Hospital.
  19. Advice and Information -

    We've all heard tales about the flu jab that might make us think twice about getting the vaccine. Read on to learn what's real and what's just not true.
  20. Report -

    We have today published a joint report with Healthwatch Medway detailing feedback from 101 pharmacies across Kent and Medway. The report details what it has been like during COVID-19 and what lessons have been learnt.
  21. News -

    As we all face another lockdown and uncertain times ahead, please remember that there is support is available to you, and your family, during lockdown 2.0
  22. News -

    The NHS wants to hear about your experience of using translation or interpreter services when you visit the dentist, pharmacy or optician.
  23. News -

    Would you be willing to chat about your experience of looking after someone with Dementia to help improve services?
  24. News -

    If your child is aged 5 - 11 and missed their flu vaccine at school then there is a solution.
  25. Advice and Information -

    This week we spoke to Rheanna, who shared her experience of giving blood at the start of our second national lockdown.
  26. News -

    The surgery has had to close temporarily after 8 members of staff have tested positive due to Coronavirus.
  27. Advice and Information -

    Many more people are suffering from anxiety, low mood or just feel ‘plain fed up’ because of the pandemic and the lockdown restrictions. This can often make us feel tired and can affect our enthusiasm for doing almost anything.

  28. News -

    With numbers of Covid patients on the increase, and the news today that Kent will move into Tier Three restrictions next week, it's a good time to remember to look after yourself.
  29. News -

    Healthwatch Kent has been highly commended at a prestigious national award ceremony for their work to improve the wheelchair service for the 22,000 people who currently use a wheelchair in Kent and Medway.
  30. News -

    There is help for you and the people around you.
  31. Report -

    The latest in our series of monthly reports details feedback from people all over Kent about how they are coping right now.
  32. News -

    Did you know that everyone is advised to take Vitamin D supplements every day during the autumn and winter months?
  33. News -

    Kent County Council has published a new draft strategy which outlines its ambition that all children in Kent have equal access to support and education.
  34. News -

    The Kent and Medway CCG are looking to improve mental health crisis care. They have created a short survey to hear about the experiences of people who have suffered a mental health crisis, or care for someone who has.
  35. News -

    The last few days have brought great hope to us all as we've watched the first Kent residents get vaccinated against Coronavirus.
  36. News -

    It's no secret that Kent & Medway's hospitals are under extreme pressure right now due to increasing numbers of Covid patients.
  37. News -

    Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to share your experience of health and social care this year.

    Wishing you all a Merry Christmas!
  38. Advice and Information -

    Christmas might not be quite as we planned, in fact the whole year hasn't been a bundle of laughs, but there is support available to you over Christmas and the New Year.
  39. Report -

    Every month we publish a report detailing the issues people have told us about. Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to share their stories with us. Your feedback makes a huge difference for hundreds of other people.
  40. News -

    It wasn't the year that we planned, but thanks to you, we've still managed to make life better for hundreds of people. Check out our highlights